home / Homes


Important! The building has ACT 16. We are happy to announce that the apartments in buildings A and B are already 90% sold.

The remaining apartments in the two buildings of the complex are for sale. The choice there is already quite limited, with 33 already sold out of a total of 42 apartments in the building. Three-room finished and unfinished apartments are available, as well as two-room finished and unfinished apartments.

The advantages of purchasing a home in the complex are:
A small common areas ratio.
High store height of the apartments.
An option of separating or joining.
An option of leasing different properties with expected annual return of 6%.
The investor works with the leading banks in Bulgaria which provide financing at the best possible terms for the clients of RAYA RESIDENCE.
You can explore the plans and the prices of the available properties BELOW.

*Swipe left on the table to see full information!
№ по ред Type Floor area sq. m. Price Status
SECTION А Floor 1 (elevation +-0.00)
Store 1 -           131.11 - -
Café/Pastry shop - 296,01 Є 3552 with VAT FOR RENT
SECTION А Floor 2 (elevation +4.80)
Hotel/Quest Rooms 10 bedrooms 310,00 Є 3720 with VAT FOR RENT
SECTION А Floor 3 (elevation +7.65)
Apartment 1A 2 bedrooms 87,38  - SOLD
Apartment 2A 2 bedrooms 86,32  - SOLD
Apartment 3A 1 bedroom 81,77  Є 108 000 with VAT FOR SALE 
Apartment 4A 1 bedroom 81,29 - SOLD
SECTION А Floor 4 (elevation +10.50)
Apartment 1 2 bedrooms 88,70 - SOLD
Apartment 2 2 bedrooms 87,94 Є 130 900 with VAT FOR SALE
Apartment 3 1 bedroom 81,55 - SOLD
Apartment 4 1 bedroom 81,29 Є 98 400 with VAT FOR SALE
SECTION А Floor 5 (elevation +13,35)
Apartment 5 2 bedrooms 88,70 - SOLD
Apartment 6 2 bedrooms 87,94 Є 140 900 with VAT FOR SALE
Apartment 7 1 bedroom 81,55 Є 114 000 with VAT FOR SALE
Apartment 8 1 bedroom 81,29 - SOLD
SECTION А Floor 6 (elevation +16.20)
Apartment 9 2 bedrooms 88,70 - SOLD
Apartment 10 2 bedrooms 87,94 - SOLD
Apartment 11 1 bedroom 81,55 Є 114 000 with VAT FOR SALE
Apartment 12 1 bedroom 81,29 Є 114 000 with VAT FOR SALE
SECTION А Floor 7 (elevation +19.05)
Apartment 13 2 bedrooms 88,70 - SOLD
Apartment 14 2 bedrooms 87,94 - SOLD
Apartment 15 1 bedroom 81,55 Є 114 000 VAT FOR SALE
Apartment 16 1 bedroom 81,29 Є 114 000 with VAT FOR SALE
SECTION А Floor 8 (elevation +21.90)
Apartament 17 2 bedrooms 88,70 - SOLD
Apartament 18 1 bedroom 89,04 - SOLD
Apartament 19 1 bedroom 88,18 - SOLD
SECTION А Basement (elevation -2.80)
Basement 1 - 2,71 - SOLD
Basement 2 - 1,35 - SOLD
Basement 3 - 1,39 - SOLD
Basement 4 - 3,69 - SOLD
Basement 5 - - - SOLD
SECTION Б Floor 1 (elevation +-0.00)
Store 2 -            119,90 Є 1856 with VAT FOR RENT
Store 5 - 22,02 Є 300 with VAT FOR RENT 
Store 6 - 44,25 - -
SECTION Б Floor 2 (elevation +4.80)
Apartment 1 1 bedroom 70,19 - SOLD
Apartment 2 1 bedroom 69,63 - SOLD
Apartment 3 1 bedroom 70,09 - SOLD
Apartment 4 2 bedrooms 101,88 - SOLD
SECTION Б Floor 3 (elevation +7.65)
Apartment 5 2 bedrooms 112,47 - SOLD
Apartment 6 2 bedrooms 101,46 - SOLD
Apartment 7 2 bedrooms 101,88 - SOLD
SECTION Б Floor 4 (elevation +10.50)
Apartment 8 2 bedrooms 112,47 - RESERVE
Apartment 9 2 bedrooms 101,46 - SOLD
Apartment 10 2 bedrooms 101,88 - SOLD
SECTION Б Floor 5 (elevation +13.35)
Apartment 11 1 bedroom 70,19 - SOLD
Apartment 12 2 bedrooms 118,05 - SOLD
Apartment 13 2 bedroom 101,88      - RESERVE
SECTION Б Floor 6 (elevation +16,20)
Apartment 14 1 bedroom 69,51 - SOLD
Apartment 15 3 bedrooms 122,55 - SOLD
Apartment 16 2 bedroom 101,88 Є 163 000 with VAT FOR SALE
SECTION Б Floor 7 (elevation +19.05)
Apartment 17 2 bedrooms 112,47 - SOLD
Apartment18 2 bedrooms 84,28 - SOLD
Apartment 19 2 bedrooms 101,88 - SOLD
SECTION Б Basement (elevation -2.80)
Basement 6 - 3,59 - SOLD
Basement 7 - 5,47 - SOLD
Garage 12 - 17,82 Є 35 700 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 13 14,80 Є 31 252 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 14 - 15,20 Є 32 000 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 15 - 16,65 Є 33 600 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 16 - 23,90 Є 47 900 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 17 - 27,16 Є 53 600 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 18 - 15,56 Є 30 637 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 19 - 15,56 Є 30 637 with VAT FOR SALE
Garage 20 - 18,60 - RESERVE
Garage 21+22 Double garage 29,58 Є 56 563 with VAT FOR SALE

For more information: 0898694611, 0897497464

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